Friday, June 12, 2015

Welcome to my newest blog. My intent here to provide a resource that may be of interest to those who are retired, approaching retirement or just planning retirement. It is not for financial advice. It is intended more as a place for ideas on "living the good life" after leaving the workforce.

It has been my experience that the key to a happy full life after retirement is not money or toys (although both make things a lot easier). It's living with a purpose. I have seen time and again examples of co-workers who retired and either thrived, or vegetated and were gone in months or years. Those who did not park themselves on the couch have seemed to lead happy productive and full lives after retirement. That is my goal and I hope to take you along with me.

As I travel or make home improvements or just discover something cool, I will attempt to share it here. It is my hope that something will inspire you the reader and help you as you transition to the retirement life.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you will subscribe and stop back often to see what we're up to.